MGG ( Microbetag Gui )


MGG Progress Documentation

View the Project on GitHub ermismd/MGG


  1. Implemented a mock manager class( that will be used to activate future functions

  2. Implemented a new Class, JsonDisplayPanel that shows the imported file data-OTU/ASV tables)


				 * The MGGManager class is responsible for managing the state of the MGG application.
				 * It provides methods to store and retrieve data, execute tasks, and register services for the tasks and taskfactories to use instead of cyactivator
				public class MGGManager implements SessionAboutToBeSavedListener, SessionLoadedListener {
				public final static String APP_NAME = "be.kuleuven.mgG";
				public final static String SERVER_RESPONSE_FILE = "Response.json";
				final CommandExecutorTaskFactory commandExecutorTaskFactory;
				final SynchronousTaskManager synchronousTaskManager;
				final TaskManager dialogTaskManager;
				final TaskManager taskManager;
				final SynchronousTaskManager syncTaskManager;
				final CyServiceRegistrar cyRegistrar; 
				final AvailableCommands availableCommands;
				final CommandExecutorTaskFactory ceTaskFactory;
				private MGGCytoPanel cytoPanel = null;
				  private CyNetwork newNetwork = null;
				private JSONObject jsonObject;
				private JSONObject serverResponse;
				//private Icon MGGicon;
			     * Constructor for the MGGManager class.
			     * This constructor initializes the MGGManager with a CyServiceRegistrar, which is used to access Cytoscape services.
			     * It also registers the MGGManager as a listener for session events, specifically when a session is about to be saved and when a session is loaded.
			     * @param cyRegistrar The CyServiceRegistrar used to access Cytoscape services.
				public MGGManager(final CyServiceRegistrar cyRegistrar) {
					 // Store the CyServiceRegistrar
					this.cyRegistrar = cyRegistrar;
					 // Get Cytoscape services
					this.taskManager = cyRegistrar.getService(TaskManager.class);
					this.availableCommands = cyRegistrar.getService(AvailableCommands.class);
					this.ceTaskFactory = cyRegistrar.getService(CommandExecutorTaskFactory.class);
					this.syncTaskManager = cyRegistrar.getService(SynchronousTaskManager.class);
					// Register this manager as a listener for session events
					cyRegistrar.registerService(this, SessionAboutToBeSavedListener.class, new Properties());
					cyRegistrar.registerService(this, SessionLoadedListener.class, new Properties());
					synchronousTaskManager = cyRegistrar.getService(SynchronousTaskManager.class);
					commandExecutorTaskFactory = cyRegistrar.getService(CommandExecutorTaskFactory.class);
					dialogTaskManager = cyRegistrar.getService(TaskManager.class);
					//MGGicon = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/images/scNetViz.png"));
			     * Sets the JSONArray object.
			     * This method is used to store a JSONArray object which can be used later.
			     * @param jsonArray The JSONArray object to be stored.
			    public void setJsonObject(JSONObject jsonObject) {
			        this.jsonObject = jsonObject;
			     * Gets the stored JSONArray object.
			     * This method is used to retrieve the stored JSONArray object.
			     * @return The stored JSONArray object.
			    public JSONObject getJsonObject() {
			        return jsonObject;
			     * Sets the server response.
			     * This method is used to store the server response which can be used later.
			     * @param jsonResponse The server response in the form of a JSONObject.
			    public void setServerResponse(JSONObject jsonResponse) {
			        this.serverResponse = jsonResponse;
			     * Gets the stored server response.
			     * This method is used to retrieve the stored server response.
			     * @return The stored server response in the form of a JSONObject.
			    public JSONObject getServerResponse() {
			        return this.serverResponse;
			    public void setCytoPanel(MGGCytoPanel panel) {
			  		this.cytoPanel = panel;
			    public CyNetwork getCurrentNetwork() {
					CyNetwork network = cyRegistrar.getService(CyApplicationManager.class).getCurrentNetwork();
			    if (network != null) return network;
			    return newNetwork;
			    public void executeCommand(String namespace, String command, 
			            Map<String, Object> args, TaskObserver observer) {
				TaskIterator ti = commandExecutorTaskFactory.createTaskIterator(namespace, command, args, observer);
				execute(ti, true);
			    public void execute(TaskIterator iterator, boolean synchronous) {
					if (synchronous) {
					} else {
			    public CyNetworkView getCurrentNetworkView() {
					return cyRegistrar.getService(CyApplicationManager.class).getCurrentNetworkView();
			     * Executes a set of tasks.
			     * This method is used to execute a set of tasks using the task manager.
			     * The tasks are executed in the order they are added to the TaskIterator.
			     * @param tasks The TaskIterator containing the tasks to be executed.
			    public void executeTasks(TaskIterator tasks) {
						     * Retrieves a service of the specified class.
						     * This method is used to get a service registered in the Cytoscape environment.
						     * @param serviceClass The class of the service to be retrieved.
						     * @return The service of the specified class.
			    			public <S> S getService(Class<S> serviceClass) { 
			    				return cyRegistrar.getService(serviceClass); 
						     * Retrieves a service of the specified class and filter.
						     * This method is used to get a service registered in the Cytoscape environment that matches a specific filter.
						     * @param serviceClass The class of the service to be retrieved.
						     * @param filter The filter to match the service against.
						     * @return The service of the specified class and filter.
			    		 public <S> S getService(Class<S> serviceClass, String filter) { return
			    		  cyRegistrar.getService(serviceClass, filter); }
			    		     * Registers a service in the Cytoscape environment.
			    		     * This method is used to register a service in the Cytoscape environment with the specified properties.
			    		     * @param service The service to be registered.
			    		     * @param serviceClass The class of the service to be registered.
			    		     * @param props The properties of the service to be registered.
			    		  public void registerService(Object service, Class serviceClass, Properties
			    		  props) { cyRegistrar.registerService(service, serviceClass, props); }
			    		     * Unregisters a service from the Cytoscape environment.
			    		     * This method is used to unregister a service from the Cytoscape environment.
			    		     * @param service The service to be unregistered.
			    		     * @param serviceClass The class of the service to be unregistered.
			    		  public void unregisterService(Object service, Class serviceClass) {
			    		  cyRegistrar.unregisterService(service, serviceClass); }
			    	 * Handles the SessionLoadedEvent.
			    	 * This method is called when a session is loaded in Cytoscape.
			    	 * It checks if there are any files related to the MGG application in the session and loads them if they exist.
			    	 * @param e The SessionLoadedEvent.
			    		  // See if we have data in the session, and load it if we do
			    		public void handleEvent(SessionLoadedEvent e) {
						Map<String,List<File>> appFiles = e.getLoadedSession().getAppFileListMap();
						if (!appFiles.containsKey(APP_NAME)) {
							System.out.println("Don't see "+APP_NAME+"!");
						List<File> mggFiles = appFiles.get(APP_NAME);
						Map<String, File> fileMap = new HashMap<>();
						for (File f: mggFiles) {
							System.out.println("File map has file: "+f.getName());
						if (!fileMap.containsKey(SERVER_RESPONSE_FILE)) {
							System.out.println("Don't see "+SERVER_RESPONSE_FILE+"!");
			         * Handles the SessionAboutToBeSavedEvent.
			         * This method is called when a session is about to be saved in Cytoscape.
			         * It saves the server response to a file and adds it to the session.
			         * @param e The SessionAboutToBeSavedEvent.
				public void handleEvent(SessionAboutToBeSavedEvent e) {
					String tmpDir = System.getProperty("");
				    File jsonFile = new File(tmpDir, SERVER_RESPONSE_FILE);
				    try {
				        FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(jsonFile);
				        OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(fos, "utf-8");
				        BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(osw);
				        List<File> files = new ArrayList<File>();
				        try {
				            e.addAppFiles(APP_NAME, files);
				        } catch (Exception add) {
				    } catch (Exception jsonException) {


		 	public class JSONDisplayPanel extends JPanel  {
		   		 private JTable table;
		    		final MGGManager manager;
		    	public JSONDisplayPanel(final MGGManager manager,JSONObject jsonObject) {
		        	super(new BorderLayout());
			        // Extract the JSONArray from the JSONObject
			        JSONArray jsonArray = (JSONArray) jsonObject.get("data");
			        JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(table);
			        this.manager = manager;
			        // Set the scroll bar policies
			        // Set the preferred size of the scroll pane
			        scrollPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(800, 600));
			        // Add the scroll pane to the center of the JSONDisplayPanel
			        add(scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
			        // Add the button that will execute the SendDataToServerTask when clicked
			        JButton sendButton = new JButton("Get Annotated Network ");
			        sendButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {  
			            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
			            	 TaskIterator taskIterator = new SendDataToServerTaskFactory(jsonObject, manager).createTaskIterator();
			     // Set button appearance
			        sendButton.setForeground(Color.BLACK); // Set the text color of the button
			        sendButton.setFont(sendButton.getFont().deriveFont(Font.BOLD, 14f)); // Set the font style and size of the button text
			        sendButton.setBackground(new Color(144, 238, 144)); // Set the background color of the button
			        sendButton.setFocusPainted(false); // Remove the focus border around the button
			        sendButton.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5, 10, 5, 10)); // Add padding to the button
			        // Create a rounded border for the button
			        int borderRadius = 20;
			        int borderThickness = 2;
			                BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.WHITE, borderThickness),
			                BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(borderRadius, borderRadius, borderRadius, borderRadius)));
			        // Add hover effect for the button
			        sendButton.addMouseListener(new java.awt.event.MouseAdapter() {
			            public void mouseEntered(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) {
			                sendButton.setBackground(Color.GREEN); // Set the background color when mouse enters the button
			            public void mouseExited(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) {
			                sendButton.setBackground(new Color(144, 238, 144)); // Set the background color when mouse exits the button
			        // Add the button to the JSONDisplayPanel
			        add(sendButton, BorderLayout.NORTH);
			    private void createTable(JSONArray jsonArray) {
			        DefaultTableModel tableModel = new DefaultTableModel();
			        table = new JTable(tableModel);
			        // Set the column names
			        JSONArray headers = (JSONArray) jsonArray.get(0);
			        for (Object header : headers) {
			        // Add the data to the table model
			        for (int i = 1; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) {
			            JSONArray row = (JSONArray) jsonArray.get(i);
			            Object[] rowData = new Object[row.size()];
			            for (int j = 0; j < row.size(); j++) {
			                rowData[j] = row.get(j);

